Who Says That You Can’t Go Home Again?
Former area resident and creator of the Dick Van Dyke show shared his excitement about the announcement of "Dick Van Dyke Way!"
(Photo: Nicholas Tantillo)
"So excited that 48 Bonnie Meadow Drive, the fictional New Rochelle address of Rob & Laura Petrie's on "The Dick Van Dyke Show" will, officially, be renamed Dick Van Dyke Way. It's equally exciting that 48 Bonnie Meadow Road was the house in which my wife Estelle, I and our first two children, Robbie and Annie lived until moving to LA to write & produce "The Dick Van Dyke Show." The answer to those who asked if the address of New Rochelle house in which I lived was 148 Bonnie Meadow Rd--it wasn't. I changed the fictional Petrie family to 148 so as not to have the folks who bought our house be bothered by tourists." (via Twitter @carlreiner)
Recent photo of 48 Bonnie Meadow Road